Scratchy the Crow

"Scratchy the Crow" -    Made with Adobe Illustrator
Size   -  36" * 24" (at 300ppi or 10800px * 7600px )   
I was walking through the U-District and I saw this po0r dilapidated crow scrounging for food. It kind of reminded my own struggles. 

I remember when (impossibly) I doing much worst and I was a bit buzzed and I was trying to tell my mom something. She interjected, "Are you going to say something profound?". I realized at that moment, that for however smart I was, I was nothing but trite insights. 

So I got out of Boise and went back to school in an attempt to escape my looming failure.  


 I used a photograph of a sidewalk for the texture to contrast the harshness of the crow. It's like an album cover.

 Here is how I made the stage. I took the original text and modified it to fit a sloped arena.