- Explorable Environment - Shadow of the Colossus- Combined
the thrill of archeology with giant stone monsters.
- Linear Environment - Half-Life 2 and Episodes. - Reminiscent
of the Odyssey but with fascist aliens and weird robot-alien hybrids. The cliffhanger
is still the worst thing I have ever seen though.
- Sandbox Environment - Fallout 3 – a true sandbox experience allows you to do
whatever you want, but with meaningful consequences.
- Creative Environment – Bayonetta – I never knew what I was
going to see next.
- Architectural Delight – Assassin Creed 2- It’s like going
to 15th century Italy but with the ability to survive 20 story falls.
- Protagonist – Red Dead Redemption – John Marston was very relatable
despite his questionable past.
- Antagonist - Portal – GlaDOS provided most of the
motivation with her creative taunts
and her strange psychotic whims. I wish she was real.
- Emotional Connection - Half-Life 2 and Episodes. - Alyx
was the first woman character that seemed realistic. The scientists were great fun too.
- Character Design – Mass Effect Trilogy – All aliens life
forms animate believably
- Enemy Design –
- Platforming - Super Mario Galaxy – Because some childhood
joys stay intact.
- Puzzle – Portal - Great use of theoretical physics only
possible (as of now) in a virtual environment.
- RPG – Fallout 3 – The best RPGs are ones where you end up
doing everything but the main quest.
- Shooter-RPG – Mass Effect Trilogy – Meaningful
consequences, great character design and satisfying shooting gameplay.
- Action – Bayonetta – Just a lot of fun despite having a
cutscene every 3 minutes.
- Classic – Super Metroid – Close to perfection.
- Strategy – Civilization series - The only series where I have
to set an alarm to go to sleep (and to eat).
- Sandbox – Red Dead Redemption- Who knew cattle herding and
horse taming be so much fun.